Corporate Identity

Our priority is your success
Alone to buy and sell food and foodstuffs at the best prices doesn’t make you a winner in the area of food trading. What you really need to know is where on Earth to find the right customer for exactly the goods that you want to sell. Or maybe it is the other way around? You have the buyers but you need the goods.


When and where to move
Finding suppliers and buyers, producers and customers is what M S GLOBAL does for a living, – and we are good at it! Trading in frozen food has always been our core business. Our experienced team of local employees around the World enables us to keep a close watch on the food trading business – anywhere. This is a huge advantage for our customers who, through us, are able to keep abreast of a food trading business that moves and changes constantly.

We are willing to take challenge
Whatever you have to sell or buy in the food trading area we can help financially. We take upon us the risk of foreign exchange quotations, market prices and extending credit.


At the same time, you have the advantage of our unique prices which are due to the efficiency of M S GLOBAL’s bulk distribution of a diversity of food and foodstuffs around the world. On top of this we guarantee delivery on time and the quality of the goods.

Can you touch it?
Having the right contacts is often what everything really is all about. Our customers – both suppliers and buyers – achieve this by using M S GLOBAL.

Our people have a huge network in different markets, giving them valuable knowledge of local affairs.
This is why we can make you feel goods – through us!